Holiday for one? Amanda’s experience as a Flashpacker in Vietnam & Cambodia

Even as a seasoned traveller, travelling solo can be a daunting prospect.
As much as I relished the opportunity to embrace new horizons and get out of my comfort zone, I always had a feeling of trepidation about doing it totally “alone”. One day, whilst scrolling through numerous travel websites, Flash Pack jumped out at me.
Immediately I was intrigued by the concept of small group adventure holidays for those between 30-45. I did my research because as we all know, going with a tour group can bring about a lot of connotations that can be hard to overcome.
Will my group members all be much younger or older than me? Will they be mostly couples? Will they be on my wavelength or despite being in a group, will I still feel “alone”?
After extensive research, I realised Flash Pack were exactly what I was looking for.
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They seem to have a niche in the market that others have yet to compete with. I like adventure but I also like luxury and they manage to combine the two so well. Furthermore, the clinching decider for me was that it is all with like-minded solo travellers around my own age.
I did the 14 day tour to Vietnam & Cambodia and it was honestly an experience I will never forget. We were a small group of 8 – Irish, British, American & Sri Lankan. From the moment we sat in our first hotel at our introductory meeting I just knew that with the different nationalities and personality types that we were in for a very exciting two weeks ahead.
It was on the second day travelling on an overnight train to Sapa with four of us sharing a tiny carriage together that some truly formative bonding began. Initially we bonded over our love of chilled white wine (always a winner) and the conversation just flowed from there.
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By the time we reached Sapa, I felt I had known my fellow travellers for months when in reality it had just been two days!
Over the two weeks, the whole group bonded so well. The intensity of the trip and the unique experiences you go through together means you learn so much about each other in such a short space of time. The fact that we were all around the same age, young (ish!) professionals with a thirst & hunger to see the world is definitely what made the trip special in my eyes. There was a lot of laughter, fun and mickey taking which kept our spirits high each day! Kudos to our two guides who were beyond exceptional in every way.
Since returning from the trip, our group has frequently kept in touch and we have already had a couple of mini reunions for those who could make it in the UK. From Vietnam & Cambodia to London & Liverpool with the next reunion already in the pipeline! We initially still called ourselves the Flashpackers but now we simply consider ourselves great friends brought together by the experience of a lifetime.
We truly believe that no one will understand the essence of a Flash Pack adventure until you have been through it yourself.
I wouldn’t hesitate to do another Flash Pack tour, not just because of the amazing itineraries and destinations but because what’s not to like about potentially making more great friends for life?
Feeling inspired by Amanda’s story? Check out our small group adventure tours for solo travellers